I use it to get to Netflix and Amazon. I'm sure the solution is similar for any other sites you want to use.
System Requirements: Proxy Switching needs a computer running Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7. It also needs a minimum of 512 MB of RAM. Finally, an active Internet connection is required.
An evaluation version of Proxy Switching is available for download at no charge.
How to Use Proxy Switching
Proxy Switching has several advantages over traditional methods of browsing the Internet:
No special software or drivers are required
It allows users to browse websites anonymously
It can bypass restrictions on some websites
Proxy Switching can be used to connect to the Internet via a different connection than that used by your home network
It is much faster than using a proxy on your home computer
In addition, Proxy Switching allows users to switch between three connection modes: default, direct, and tunnel.
Defaults (Browser Mode): Default mode offers the fastest browsing speed because Proxy Switching simply tunnels traffic between your computer and the Internet.
Direct (Internet Mode): This mode works like an ordinary proxy on your home computer. It sends all your Internet traffic through a proxy server (which is usually located at your ISP).
Tunnel (Remote Access Mode): Tunnel mode works the same way as Direct mode, except Proxy Switching establishes a second connection to the Internet, and sends all of your traffic through that connection. Tunnel mode is generally the fastest way to browse the Internet because it only needs one Internet connection to work. It also bypasses certain types of restrictions, such as those imposed by Yahoo! Mail.
When you use Proxy Switching, the proxy server remains hidden from the Internet. It is accessible only to your computer. Therefore, it does not interrupt your network connection, and your home computer is not slowed down.
Creating a Proxy Switching Account
To create an account, follow these steps:
Open Firefox.
Click on the Tools menu.
Select Preferences.
Click on Advanced.
Click on the Encryption tab.
Under the Header, enter Proxy Switching as the value. The proxy server address can be found on the left side of the status bar. The port should be set to 80.
Click OK.
You can then add your personal information as usual. You will need to type your full name, your e-mail address
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